“How to show up, even if you’re afraid”

Source: Mark Groves (20 mins)

Contributor: Selena Garcia


“We want to know that when we leap the net will appear, that when I jump off the plane the parachute will open. But here’s the thing, I don’t think you get that. You don’t get the net without the courageous leap.” — MARK GROVES 

This solo episode from Mark Groves will grab you by the shoulders and give you a shake.

Many of us begin a New Year with plenty of motivation. May this be something to return to when you need to fan the flame.

Mark will inspire you to look at where in your life, whether personal or professional, you may not be showing up the way you want or perhaps the way you think you are. It’s not an episode to sell you anything. Yet, there’s some adult language (in all the right places), so grab the headphones if listening around small children.

DESCRIPTION: Mark talks about “the importance of TRULY showing up to create the life we really want. We can be very ambivalent when it comes to relationships with others, but that same ambivalence exists within us when our NOs and YESes don’t come from an embodied place and it leaks into other areas of our lives. Stop delaying what you’re becoming. Create the abundance you seek, give birth to your purpose and passion, and step fully into the opportunity that 2024 can be. Let it be the moment that everything changed. Show up. You can do this. You’ve got this.”

Mark reminds us that even if something is not “perfect,” show up anyway. Look at the world through the lens of the question, and remember that you get to choose where endings and beginning are at any point in your life. Seek feedback from those you can trust and accompany it with humility.

As always, there’s so much more in the full podcast, so give it a listen.

“Stop seeking certainty… there are only possibilities.” — Mark GRoves

(06:15) — “All your questions are future oriented, but you don’t even live in the now. You don’t even do everything we gift you now. We tell you things now and you don’t do those now, you want now + AND. […] We want to leap and step into our passions and our purpose. We want to finally say ‘no’ to the unavailable person, we want to share something that’s coming up with our partner, we want to do all these things, but we want to know that it’s going to work out a certain way. We want to know that when we leap that the net will appear, that when I jump off the plane the parachute will open. But here’s the thing, I don’t think you get that. You don’t get the net without the courageous leap. It's actually through the act of bravery and becoming someone you’ve never been that actually creates the outcome, right? It’s like that evidence of yourself being something you’ve never been is actually what you’re looking for.

(09:55) – “You want more certainty, that’s what you want. Or you got the answer to the question, you didn’t like it, so you just pretended you didn’t hear the answer. I know so many people have done it, and so many people live in it. That’s why Maya Angelou’s words ‘when you know better, be better.’ Don’t delay that sh*t.

(10:55) –“What I’m really saying is stop seeking certainty, throw certainty out, because you’re never going to get it. There are certain certainties like feet on the ground. When you’re in trusting relationships, partners hear from me. Love for children, love for dog, all that kind of stuff, these certainties, but when it comes to future orientation, there are none. There are only possibilities […] Stop delaying what you are becoming. Step fully into the knowledge you have today and then more answers will appear. We want to build the empire, but we don’t even take the time to build the foundation to the empire.”



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