"How to fix a broken heart" from Guy Winch

How to fix a broken heart

Source: Two selected resources below

Contributor: Selena Garcia


“Getting over heartbreak is not a journey. It's a fight, and your reason is your strongest weapon.” - Guy Winch

Your requests have been received—"breakup support, please!" Here, we lift up two pieces from Guy Winch and TED.

It's been said that breakups can trigger withdrawal, just as you would feel after giving up a drug. It's a process. And while we can't speed it up, there are things you can do to support yourself through heartbreak and withdrawal.

Guy offers an honest, tangible approach to understanding and moving through your heartbreak. A great distraction, if nothing else.

Your mind will try to tell you they were perfect. But they were not, and neither was the relationship.” - Guy Finch

How To Fix A Broken Heart (Watch: 12 min)

(3:51) “You have to recognize that, as compelling as the urge is, with every trip down memory lane, every text you send, every second you spend stalking your ex on social media, you are just feeding your addiction, deepening your emotional pain and complicating your recovery.”

(5:12) “Getting over heartbreak is not a journey. It's a fight, and your reason is your strongest weapon. There is no breakup explanation that's going to feel satisfying. No rationale can take away the pain you feel.”

(5:58) “Heartbreak is a master manipulator… One of the most common tendencies we have when our heart is broken is to idealize the person who broke it. We spend hours remembering their smile, how great they made us feel, that time we hiked up the mountain and made love under the stars. All that does is make our loss feel more painful. We know that. Yet we still allow our mind to cycle through one greatest hit after another, like we were being held hostage by our own passive-aggressive Spotify playlist.”

(7:32) “Your mind will try to tell you they were perfect. But they were not, and neither was the relationship. And if you want to get over them, you have to remind yourself of that, frequently.”

Watch the full talk here.

“While certain aspects of our lives are on pause during the pandemic, many of the regular problems and setbacks that life presents — like heartbreak — are not.” - Guy Winch

“Dear Guy: ‘I’m in quarantine and I’m heartbroken’’ (Read: 5 min)

Dear Guy,

I experienced a dramatic breakup just [before we went into lockdown]. It was a two-year relationship that was getting serious, with both of our families involved. He ended it, and it wasn’t the first time he expressed that our relationship was too much for him to handle.


Heartbroken in Lockdown

(Editor’s note: This letter was edited to give you a taste-test only.)

Dear Heartbroken:

While certain aspects of our lives are on pause during the pandemic, many of the regular problems and setbacks that life presents — like heartbreak — are not. Breakups are extremely painful at the best of times, but it must be especially devastating when the life you were looking forward to having after the shutdown is no longer possible.

Check out the original source for more…


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